Monday, September 1, 2014

Teach! Okay!

I came back from training for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, and it was like starting over.  I expected it after only having my kids for four school days and a substitute having them for three school days.  I came back that Monday morning and reintroduced the classroom rules and Class? Yes!  The kids were much quicker at getting back into routine then I thought they would be.  However, I made them work for an entire week before introducing them to the newest part of WBT - Teach! Okay!

I introduced it, and we started with something simple. I had them teach each other the classroom rules.  At first they were confused between the Class? Yes! and Teach! Okay! but they soon were able to practice it without confusion. I then moved to concepts I was teaching in the classroom. I forgot the part about breaking instruction down into smaller pieces, and when I tried to do Teach! Okay! with a lot of information given to them, my students were not very successful.  I tried backing it up and doing it in smaller chunks. They were much more capable of doing this.

I am slowly using this more and more throughout the entire school day.  I love hearing the things they teach their classmates.  It is a quick and easy way to assess understanding.

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